"For My Daddy",
Mamie Ray's Memorial To Her Dad

Dove of Peace Dove of Peace <BGSOUND loop="9" src="files/Going_Home_USAF_Band_1947.mp3"> "Going Home" should be playing,"But",If it does not, just click Here for your default Player.

Today I honor you and the man that you were.
The Father,
the Veteren,
the Civil Air Patrol Man,
but most of all I honor you for your character in the 39 years, since your shift ended as a Californai Highway Patrolman. I have learned to honor the purpose those moments held in your life, and find peace in all that you stood for and believed in.
I Love You, Daddy.
Mamie Rae

Then with Pat and Mamie Ray's friend, Helen ("Mach-1") Bale, they discuss their thoughts:

Remember the day of long ago.

Think about the generations past.

Ask your father, and he will inform you.

Inquire of your elder, and they will tell you.

Deuteronomy 32:7


Tuesday, February 17, 1970 was a good day---as mid-winter days go in Northern California.

The sun shone after several days of sporadic rain, there was a light breeze and a promise of early spring in the new green of trees arching against a blue and white sky.

It was a good day to be alive.

Californai Highway Partolman Raymond Carpenter, was in good spirits as he reported for work.

He quipped with co-workers as he prepared for the day's shift and he moved easily into the familiar routine of patrolling the roadways of western Placer County.

At midafternoon he began a final swing along the concrete ribbon of Interstate 80.

His westbound course would take him past the Roseville area, then back to the east and the Auburn area Highway Patrol station, where his shift would end at 4pm.

But Ray Carpenter never made it back.

At 3:15 pm a routine stop of a suspected stolen car erupted in gunfire and two slugs from a 357 Magnum ripped through his tall frame.

By 4 p.m. Ray Carpenter's shift had ended forever, signed out in blood in the emergency room of the Roseville Hospital.

Less than five miles away, a 20 year old youth lay slumped on the front seat of the stolen car, his hand still clutching the gun which had snuffed out the officer's life---and his own.


If you expect a pat answer, don't read on.

We don't have it.

It isn't enough to say a kid who'd already been in trouble a number of times panicked at the thought of being apprehended again.

or to shake our heads and bemoan the diminishing respect for law and order which seems to infect our society.

What happened on interstate 80 that afternoon, unfortunately, wasn't an isolated, unbelievable situation.

It was reflective of our tendency to settle problems with violence, all problems, large and small, individual and collective.

Perhaps it was reflective, too, of our increasing tendency to draw apart from each other, to categorize human beings in adversary masses.

The generations face each other across a hostile age gap, proponents of varied political beliefs view all but themselves with derision and contempt, we seem to have become an embittered and embattled civilization, and the men who wear the uniforms of law enforcement all too often bear the brunt of our frustration and hostility.

Someway, somehow, there must be a way to forge a bridge of understanding between all the elements of our society.

Someway, somehow, we must fight our way through the jungles of fear, and anger, and antagonism and greed, to reestablish the value of human life and the dignity of all human beings, and the need for a structured society within which we may all dwell in peace.

C.H.P., Valley Division, Auburn Office

CHP Office Auburn, Newcastle Division

I am positive that Ray would like you to know
you could have lasting enjoyment of your visit by completing it with a nice souvenier.
The CHP 11-99 bear is absolutely, adorable.
Keep him with you to remind you to drive safely.
And the "CHP 11-99" SEIKO© Watches are top-drawer timepieces you will be proud to wear.
You will also be helping our Fallen Officers' families in their times of emergency.
The secure link for these treasures
is at this clickable link: https://chp11-99.org/store.

(California Peace Officer's Radio Codes
explain the use of "Code 11-99".)
Very Best Wishes, Ken Lawton

The Lyrics to "Goin' Home":
Where did "Goin' Home" originate? Several people have been credited for the lyrics to the old hauntingly hypnotic Spiritual "Goin' Home". Several composers have played it. Several races and nations claim the origination. That simply proves its' popularity.

Antonin Dvorak's Symphony No. 9 introduced "Goin Home"("From the New World") Op.95.
It was composed while he was in America. It was first performed by the New York Philharmonic at Carnegie Hall on December 16, 1893.
"Goin' Home"was actually written by one of Antonin Dvorak's pupils; William Arms Fisher (1861-1948). It especially became known as a spiritual after the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt in April of 1945.
Trooper Ray Carpenter served his Nation in the United States Air Force, as well as in the California Highway Patrol. I am certain the USAF Band members who played this hymn so many years ago are also up there with Ray, proud that their music is soothing his visitors.
The rendition you are listening to now was broadcast in the early years of commercial radio by the United States Air Force Band.

Goin' home, goin' home,
I'm a goin' home;
Quiet-like, some still day,
I'm jes' goin' home.
It's not far, jes' close by,
Through an open door;
Work all done, care laid by,
Goin' to fear no more.
Mother's there 'spectin' me,
Father's waitin' too;
Lots o' folks gather'd there,
All the friends I knew,
All the friends I knew.
Home, I'm goin' home!